Cooperativa Agrícola Santo Isidro de Pegões CRL
Nowadays, Cooperativa Agrícola Santo Isidro de Pegões CRL is a modern, competitive vineyard and a leader on both the domestic and international markets. Over the last 10 years, Pegões wines have received more than 400 awards in the most important international competitions.
The vine-growing area of the vineyard covers 2718 acres (1100 hectares) and generates a yearly production of around 7700 tons (7000 metric tons) of grapes (74% red, 26% white). Among the red grapes, 65% are Castelão (Periquita), with others including the Touriga Nacional, Aragonês and Cabernet Sauvignon varieties. The distribution of white grapes is as follows: Fernão Pires (40%) and Muscat (25%), with Tamarez, Arinto, Antão Vaz and Chardonnay accounting for the remaining 35%.
The vineyard produces a wide variety of wines, some of which are regional, selectively harvested or from a particular vintage, as well as specialties such as Muscat wine, grape marc and sparkling wines.